Thanks to the simplicity in exchanging information, Facebook is outstanding for solving varied problems in terms of SNS interface. Let’s imagine the efficiency of putting this impressive feature on your company’s daily operations. Goalify creates a toolkit to Manage Objectives, Operate Human Resources activities and Improve the Employee Engagement displayed as a social network site to optimize company performance and culture engagement. Thus, you can easily access our product through Goalify mobile app.
Goalify creates a toolkit to Manage Objectives, Operate Human Resources activities and Improve the Employee Engagement displayed as a social network site to optimize company performance and culture engagement. Thus, you can easily access our product through Goalify mobile app.
This is where all movements (including additions, alterations, etc.) of your employees are updated and synced.
Every staff will acknowledge what is happening (to give feedback, to contribute to others’ work, to be engaged in conversations, etc.). Data are brought up to date and personalized depended on people’s role and their level in the organization.
It provides real-time data, information, updates or notifications from other users. You will instantly get updates and feedbacks from your colleagues.